Connection to ELAC Students
About me….I was born and raised in Los Angeles (LA) – South LA to be specific. As one of two daughters born to two hard-working immigrants. I know first-hand the power of finding new opportunities through education, “ganas” (desire), and help from others. My passion is helping students develop and reach their goals. I consider teaching my purpose…my calling. I love having students consider new experiences, professions, and learn more about themselves.

Goals for 2022-23
Plans for Upcoming Year

Leticia Barajas Goals
Year 4 2022-23
Continue New Program Development & Improved Teaching Practices - Develop Infrastructure and Health Workplace Readiness programs and strengthen existing noncredit CTE program to prepare noncredit students to the current workplace that include challenges, strategies and issues in the workplace. My goal is to seek collaboration among all interested faculty and Career Academic Pathways.
Connect Noncredit to Dual Enrollment - Launch Emerging Scholars @ ELAC Program @ SGEC– a noncredit K-12 Pathway to increase transition and eligibility for College Promise Program focusing on underserved and underrepresented communities in south/southeast Los Angeles
Refine Program Marketing - Launch ATLAS @ SGEC– Collaborate with student supports @ ELAC and innovate existing adult-focus noncredit online program targeting immigrants and other community members in greater Los Angeles to prepare for AB540/SB68 and College Promise eligibility ATLAS Program Design: HiSET/GED/HS Diploma + California Residency (AB540/SB68) + NC CTE & ESL Certificate(s) Pathway @ ELAC
Strengthen knowledge and practice with Competency Based Education and Credit for Prior Learning - Gain additional professional development to learn and work with Academic Senate and other college constituencies to bring additional options for program completion.
Leticia Barajas
Since my last evaluation , I was able to engage in a number of teaching, curricular and college activities to improve my teaching skills while promoting my department. My faculty work is divided into these categories:
Courses Taught 2020 & Fall 21
Noncredit Classes
Citizenship for Immigrants (Citizenship 50CE)
Blueprint for Workplace Success (Voc Ed 96CE)
30 Ways to Shine (Voc Ed 98CE)
Computing for the Workplace (Voc Ed 101CE)
Keyboarding Skills (Voc Ed 102CE)
Basic Skills - HiSET/GED Integrated Skills (Basic Skills 34CE)
Teaching and Learning Activities 2021-22
Professional Development
Equity Matters Certificate
Community of Practice
Cultural Curriculum Audit Workshop
Racial Equity & Social Justice Workshops
Teaching and Learning Program
Academic Senate Discipline Day
Committee and Activities to Promote College & Department
Department & College Engagement
Academic Senate Noncredit Dept Senator
ELAC Educational Planning Subcommittee (Faculty Co-Chair)
ELAC Strategic Planning Committee (Member)
East LA Shared Governance Council (Member)
ASCCC CTE Leadership Committee (Member)
Accreditation Team (Standard 2A Faculty Lead)
ELAC CTE Chairs Meeting (NC Dept Rep)
District Academic Senate Discipline Lead (Noncredit 2021-21)
Competency Based Education Program (Academic Senate President Designee & Faculty Co-Lead)
ELAC Professional Development Committee (Member)
South Gate Council (Attendee)
CAP - Admin of Justice/Public Safety & CAP - Exploration & Preparations
Principal Contributor & Founder, Noncredit Department Collaboration Page
Vice Chair, CTE, Noncredit Dept
Faculty Lead, Community Partnerships with Mexican Consulate
Chair Presentations
New Course Noncredit Certificates - English as a Second Language Academic Bridge Certificate of Competency; English for Citizenship Certificate of Competency; Healthcare Professions Preparation Certificate of Completion; High School Equivalency Preparation Certificate of Completion
New Course Development - Basic Skills 75CE Intro to Post-Secondary Education & Voc Ed 320 - Overview of Healthcare Careers

Brene Brown
“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.”
Self Evaluation & Reflection - Year 3
My focus Years 3 and 4 of my probationary period at ELAC are to continue current efforts of increasing the awareness, enrollments and collaboration of noncredit throughout the college's internal and external college communities. I am a faculty ambassador for noncredit that will continue to collaborate with faculty, staff and administrators to strengthen and increase the visibility and enrollment opportunities of our programs. My philosophy that serves as my faculty compass is that while I am assigned to a department, our work serves and supports the entire institution.
Currency in Discipline - I attend workshops regularly to keep current in online teaching. This coming year I would like to focus on more specific Workforce Skill and Career trainings. I will seek out external certifications to meet this goal.
Interactions with Peers - I regularly meet with members of my department, other ELAC departments, administrators and district colleagues to promote our programs. I initiated monthly staff/faculty conversations to improve program information and the exchange of ideas for scheduling, program promotion and student registration. I developed and am the primary contributor of our Noncredit Department Canvas Collaboration page that maintains records of our meetings, course outlines, marketing materials and other faculty resources. As of December 2021 I have a total of 176 hours to support and maintain the Canvas page. I have volunteered to serve on several college, district and state committees.
Meeting Attendance & Department Contributions - I initiate, schedule, and attends required meetings that include convocation, department, college senate and participatory governance meetings (See list on previous page)
Student Availability & Student Centered- I am regularly available to students including Saturdays and additional evening hours to ensure morning and evening students can reach me. I host evening and Saturday morning office hours and "review" sessions once a month that are open to all my current and previous students. I use this as a strategy to keep student engaged.
Professional Development - I have completed almost three times the number of required professional development responsibilities as of December 2021 for 2021-22. I love to teach but I love to learn even more.
Overall Reflections on my Third Year Teaching - Given the nature of our noncredit department courses, I have tried to maintain a high level of quality and rigor to my classes while balancing the unique needs and sensitivities of many of our program students. Noncredit continues to be the Ellis Island of the community college – all are welcome and embraced regardless of their origin, educational history, literacy, numeracy and language skills. I find that I the more I teach, the more I recognize that I can do more for my students, my programs and my department.
As such, in my upcoming year, I want to continue focusing on programmatic development that will help enrollment focusing on off-sites, new partnerships and South Gate Educational Center.
We are in a very unique time where we need to adjust our educational delivery strategies. In noncredit there will be no "comeback" but there will be a "reengineering" or innovation. Our students have gained resilience and digital skills. I want to continue to prepare myself to help them navigate.
Student Testimonials (2021)

Marlen Lopez

Sunny - Continuing On...

Emily - Feedback from CAP Facilitation
Examples of student feedback (unsolicited).